Thursday, July 15, 2010

Make-up on the go!

This weekend M and I are taking the 5 hour drive to NJ where our families live. M's parents are throwing him a grad/commissioning party. Now, I LOVE to travel and I love to pack. I enjoy putting full outfits together and planning agendas and making LISTS! I am such a list maker. Planning outfits ensures that I don't overpack. I hate clutter, and I am a minimalist in many ways. My closet is jamm packed, but when it comes to traveling. I like to go light. Here's my list of the LEAST amount of make-up to bring

Tinted Moisturizer (In winter it would be foundation)
Matte bronzer (I forego the setting powder in summer also)
Nuetral blush (goes with all outfits.. I love peach!)
Light/beige eyeshadow (daytime)
Nuetral crease color (buildable for nighttime and good for eyeliner)
Mascara & eyelash curler
Nude/pink lipstick/gloss

You want to find products that have more then on purpose. For example, face sticks or cream blushes can be used to eye shadow as well! There no need to carry a train case or even an entire palette. The more you pack, the more you have to carry!


  1. I agree about the multiple use products! I am in love with Nars the Multiple, it works so well for everything! And in a pinch, you can use lotion as de-frizzer, did you know that? Hope you enjoy your trip, happy to find your little world and happy to be your newest follower! XO!
